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Blog Sites constructed for Teaching & Learning Courses

  • This course exposes international students to the socio-cultural background of Malaysia which includes ethnic composition, religions, traditions and values. Other elements like music, arts, cuisine, costume, ethnic games, celebrations and national festivals are also highlighted.
  • Student Centered Learning (SCL) methods such as group discussion and presentation will be used in order to assist international students in developing their understanding and appreciation of Malaysian culture.
  • This course deals with the concept and philosophy of science and technology wth innovation from the perspective of Islamic and western scholars.
  • In addition, it also emphasizes on the methodology of Islamic science, the concepts and achievements of Islamic civilization in the areas of mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, medicine, the concept of natural creation and cosmology in Islam.
  • Discussion also touches on the achievements of current telecommunication and contemporary issues of science.
  • This course is designed for M.Ed. postgraduate students, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) during their first semester of study before thesis writing.
  • In addition to reading and writing, the current definition of literacy also includes the ability to learn, comprehend, and interact with technology in a meaningful way. The lecture is rich with examples of technology in the classroom. 
  • The course content includes machine translation, weblog design, digital library, jawi converter and others related to teaching and learning with computer technology.
  • This weblog combines in a collection of 3 courses in One: i. Ilmu Kalam and Islamic Thinking, ii. Siyasah Syar'iyyah, and iii. Ulum Hadith.
  • These courses are offered by the faculty of Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) for undergraduate B.Ed. 
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